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Great OaksSmall School

Safeguarding Communities - Embracing Difference - Unlocking Potential

Water and Sun Safety

Water Safety

It is perfectly natural to want to cool off when it’s hot. Unsuitable rivers and quarries hide dangers below, not taking into accounts the hazards of freezing cold water and currents. Teenagers especially are drawn in by peers and a keenness for risky behaviours.

With limited swimming over the last year, it will be important to remind our young people how to stay safe in or alongside water.

Here are some helpful resources

Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)

Canal and River Trust - Summer water safety

Water Safety at the beach

RNLI – Float to Live

Colin the Coastguard

National Water Safety Signs – do you know what these mean?

Sun Safety

The Teenage Cancer Trust found that nearly two-thirds (61%) of young people aged 13-24 have avoided using sunscreen in order to get a better tan. As the weather gets hotter in the UK, we need to be more knowledgeable about keeping safe in the sun then ever before.

The damage done to young skin can lead to skin cancer developing in later life, so it’s vital to help young people protect themselves in the sun.

Teenage Cancer Trust Resources

Sun Safety

Tips for Staying Safe in the Sun (CBeebies)

